These are EPDM rubber hoses with one inch ends. If you are lucky enough to have a Healthways reg with a Hope Paige mouthpiece, a Submarine products, Waterlung, CG45, Spaco, early Spirotechnique, or any other reg that had a one inch mouthpiece you are finally saved. These hoses are very rugged and super stretchy. The Museum was lucky to get a small batch in and some even marked Spirotechnique on the cuffs. The Spiro marked ones are a first come first serve and are very limited in supply (IF YOU DO NOT SPECIFY THAT YOU WANT SPIROTECHNIQUE MARKED HOSES YOU WILL NOT BE SHIPPED ONES MARKED SPRIOTECHNIQUE). These hoses will typically not work with USD plastic hose clamps. My suggestion is to use heavy duty zip ties as did Spirotechnique or hose clamps like Healthways used.
Price per pair with your first set of 4 cable ties only $35.00 plus shipping.