The Hall Watts visit Photo Gallery

The Scuba Museum was very honored and happy to obtain these triple USD tanks from diving legend Hal Watts in 2011.  Here are some pictures of the tanks and Mr. Hall Watts himself at 40 Fathom Grotto.


Barb and I got the grand tour of Hal Watts new home being built on the 40 Fathom Property.

Barb is in love with the new house.

From the front porch Hal can oversee his Grotto.

Just one of the amazing artifacts that Hal Watts has found in his many decades of deep diving.

Hal Watts presents me with a copy of his NARCOSIS MANAGEMENT signature series.

I am tickled to meet Hal and to have these triles in the Scuba Msueum.

I am tickled to meet Hal and to have these triles in the Scuba Msueum.

Hal Watts showing me the triples and admiring the new harness the Scuba Museum put on them.

Hal Watts showing me the triples and admiring the new harness the Scuba Museum put on them.

Hal Watts showing me the triples and admiring the new harness the Scuba Museum put on them.

Hal shows Barb some of the finer points of his triples tanks.

Hal shows Barb some of the finer points of his triples tanks.

Hal shows Barb some of the finer points of his triples tanks.

Barb and Hal.

Barb and Hall swapping diving stories.